
A web extension to help you stay on track

I challenged myself to a 48-hour design challenge to push my problem solving and design skills and speed. 

Many people struggle to complete tasks on time. Their distraction and procrastination take over, leading them to take a lot more time than they actually need. This decreases productivity, increases burnout and stress as they struggle to meet deadline after deadline.

Problem Statement

We tend to spend more time than we need on tasks. How might we help users stay on track and spend less?


I designed a web app to help users time-block their task and breaks


48 hours


Figma, Adobe Creative Suite

User Research
Results & Findings

Since I was limited on time, I turned to people’s discussion on online public platforms like Reddit. This was a time-efficient way to learn about people’s productivity, task, and time management, as I didn't need to conduct interviews or surveys.

“Work expands to fill the available time” 

Parkinson’s law states people tend to use up all the time they’re given for a task, even if they don’t need it. This leads people to procrastinate and underestimate the time it takes to actually complete a task. 

Overwork and burnout

People often fail to take proper breaks because they procrastinate. They never feel like their task is finished, so they never take a break. This leads them to feel overworked, burnout, and stress.

Key features

Many use to-do lists to be productive, but without a specific time or date, they can be counter-productive, pushed back or worse, forgotten.

Flo is designed to help users stay on track of their to-dos by introducing "flo time"— focused, time-blocked sessions for each to-do. Combining to-dos with an on-screen timer and tracker, Flo offers an easy, seamless experience way to stay focused and productive.

Time block your flo time

Flo helps you schedule focused, time-blocks for your to-dos. You can also "snooze" for my time.

Flo works in real time

Flo works in real-time, reminding you when it's time to work, take a break, or switch your tasks.


Schedule flo time anytime, anywhere on your browser.


Flo's calendar plug-in makes it easy for you to schedule flo time into your calendar.


Schedule flo time anytime, anywhere on your browser.


Flo's calendar plug-in makes it easy for you to schedule flo time into your calendar.

Time block your flo time

Flo helps you schedule your . If necessary, users can

Flo works in real time

Flo works with you in real-time, reminding you of your task and when it's time to take breaks and switch tasks


Schedule flo time anytime, anywhere on your browser.


Flo's calendar plug-in makes it easy for you to schedule flo time into your calendar.

Time block your flo time

Flo helps you schedule your . If necessary, users can

Flo works in real time

Flo works with you in real-time, reminding you of your task and when it's time to take breaks and switch tasks

Design Iterations
Before and After

Improve visibility of content on the calendar

Improve visibility of content on the calendar


Flo is separated from the calendar by a left-sided bar to support left-aligned navigation to improve accessibility and visibility of content. 


Flo overlapped the calendar. While this is common on a lot of plug-ins, this makes it hard to see content on both the calendar and Flo. 


Flo is separated from the calendar by a left-sided bar to support left-aligned navigation to improve accessibility and visibility of content. 

Improve clarity of hover states with text labels

Improve experience of timers

I added a countdown timer to track users tasks. However, users expressed timers, especially counting down, puts them under pressure, adding anxiety.


I replaced the timer with a progress bar. Rather than seeing the time decrease, they see their progress increase, creating a positive user experience. The timer is still visible, but only
on hover, to keep its functionality but …



When users hover over Flo's icon, the icon increases in size, but the difference is not clear and does not communicate the state's function.


When users hover over Flo's icon, the text label 'Flo' appears. This communicates and improves the clarity of the state's function.

Improve experience of timers


I added a countdown timer to track users tasks. However, users expressed timers, especially counting down, puts them under pressure, adding anxiety.


I replaced the timer with a progress bar.
Rather than seeing the time decrease, they see their progress increase, creating a positive user experience. The timer is still visible, but only
on hover, to keep its functionality but

Change in background = change in environment

As Flo transitions between tasks or breaks, the background changes to reflect change in "environment". Research shows changing environments promotes productivity, helping users refresh and refocus.


Flo was static and consisted only one background.



Flo was static and consisted only one background.


As Flo transitions between tasks or breaks,
the background changes to reflect change
in "environment". Research shows changing environments promotes productivity,
helping users refresh and refocus.



Made with <3 and matcha